Blog tour stop six
This week, I wrote a guest blog on Casey's Corner about the best writing advice I've ever received. #TheExiledOtherkin #writing #tour #blog
The Winter Sorcerer and the Summer Witch
The Children of Hati
This week, I wrote a guest blog on Casey's Corner about the best writing advice I've ever received. #TheExiledOtherkin #writing #tour #blog
In this author interview with Wake Up Your Wild Side, I talked about what characters I want to revisit and how I deal with writer's...
Wow! The people at BooksChatter really go all out when they interview authors. Check out my interview with them. #steampunk...
Today, I had a chat with romance author, Christine Young, on her blog. We talked about what character I would want to be in my books,...
To kick off The Exiled Otherkin's blog tour, I had author interviews on Independent Authors and author C. A. Milson's blog....
On the final stop of my book blog tour, I did a character interview with my protagonist's best friend on Long and Short Reviews. #blog...
In this week's interview on Readeropolis, I talked about who my least favorite character in Conjuring Zephyr is, one of my more unique...
This week's interview on Laurie's Thought and Reviews includes some fun a unique questions. #Interview #blog #ConjuringZephyr #tour
In my interview this week on The Avid Reader, I give short descriptions of the main characters. #tour #blog #Interview #ConjuringZephyr
In this week's book blog tour stop at Silver Dagger Scriptorium I talk about one of the lenses I see the world through. #tour #blog...
Lovely interview on BooksChatter. There's even a picture of me with my furbabies. #Interview #ConjuringZephyr #tour #blog
This week's interview on EskieMama and Dragon Lady Reads had some interesting questions about my personality and childhood. #tour #blog...
Check out my interview this week on Books, Dreams, Life! #Interview #ConjuringZephyr #tour #blog
This week, I describe the rules of Terrenus in a guest post on Book Giveaways and Promotions #tour #blog #ConjuringZephyr
This week, I did an interview on T's Stuff. She asked a number of fun questions. We even talked about the story I'm currently working on!...
Don't forget to check out my interview on Louise Lyndon's blog, Romance Author Hear Me Roar. I was asked some really interesting and...
First stop on my book blog tour: an interview on Christine Presents! #Interview #ConjuringZephyr #tour #blog